
shove off

Dear Girls,

Last week your cousin, Milo, was over to play. You had a great time playing dress up and coloring. When I heard Avery say, "Hey, Milo! Watch this!!" I looked up with curiosity to see what she would proudly show her cousin. When I saw her place both hands on Carter's chest and shove, I was remarkably less enthusiastic.
Be. Nice.



and i'll cry if i want to

Girls, I love you. You had great birthday parties and I already can't wait to see what we come up with next year. All I know is that they will be as special as you are to me.


I love it when you smile at me. You are the most mischievous person on the planet. And you are only ONE!! I hope you keep your sneaky smile and your spunky attitude. I can't get enough of you!



sharing time

At 5am this morning Carter began to cry! Usually Avery just sleeps through it, but this morning, Av, you were not happy. While your dad got up to make C a bottle, Avery just kept yelling, "CARTER! THIS IS NOT YOUR ROOM! THIS IS MY ROOM!!"

Love, Mommy



A conversation with Avery:

A: Mom, someday I am going to grow up like you did and eat all of my food like you did.
M: Yes, that's right! You will grow up and go to school and ride a roller coaster and someday you will get married and have a husband!
A: Yeah. What's a husband?
M: Daddy is my husband. A husband is the boy you get married to.
A: Yeah. Someday I am going to have a husband and he will be a ladybug husband because I love ladybugs.


Uncle Adam

Dear Girls, Could you have a cooler set of uncles? I think not.
My oldest brother, your Uncle Adam, was here all last week. The amount of giggles and squeals of delight in our house exponentially increase whenever he is near.
Your Way-Less-Cool-By-Comparison Mom


party pooper

Dear Girls,
Your birthdays are two and three months away, respectively.
I have been planning your parties for the past month.
I know, I know. It sounds like I have no life, right? In between school, training for a triathlon and being your mom I don't know how I dare try to take on more stuff, but I am. I have to! You two are the most special kids on the planet and I insist that your birthdays be celebrated in style.
Here are a few of the birthday highlights so far (Av's first, second and third bdays. Sorry Carty, you haven't had one yet!):As you can see, they have become increasingly ridiculous and fun and that is the way I like my birthday parties. This year I plan to outdo myself quite spectacularly. The theme of Avery's party is going to be (sound the trumpets!)... Spring Green! Your FAVORITE color is green right now, Avey, and everyone knows it. Seriously, everyone. You will stop the mailman, bishop, cashier... you name it, they know your favorite color. You color all of your pictures at preschool and nursery with green. And only green. You are in love.
*Funny story- How Green Became Your Favorite Color. You are a very girly girl. You have always loved to play dress up and the color pink. One day last summer, though, we went to your cousin's house and Elle and Ava and their friends were in the front yard taking a survey. They ran up to you when you got out of the car and asked what your favorite color was. The options were: GREEN. NOT GREEN. By the time we came back a couple of hours later your were converted. You have been a lover of green ever since.
I think this party will be perfect for you because right now you are DYING for Spring and Summer. Every time we have a nice day you cheer for the sun. Every time we wake up to snow (which is way too frequently) you literally yell, "NO MORE SNOW!!! I WANT SPRING!!!" And I smile. We both have been wearing flip flops a lot lately, though it is way too cold to do so. We're protesting. We want Spring!So far I have some green stripey straws, green butterfly nets and green invitations for your party. Don't worry, though. I have much, much more planned.
Carter, after agonizing over your birthday theme I have finally decided that it is going to be CARTERMANIA!!! It's a Beatles-themed first birthday that I read about here and just had to copy. Grandpa Clark is going to flip out! We are having your party while we are at the beach with the entire Wyand side of the family and I cannot wait!! I am so excited to throw you such a cool party!I hope when you look back you don't think I'm a total nerd for getting so into this. I just think you both are worth celebrating, that's all.

and so it begins

Dear Girls,
Last night I couldn't sleep again. I could feel it too acutely, and it hurt. It hurt like crazy.
Time is moving on.
While change and growth and progress normally do not pose a threat to me (in fact I am a big fan of all three), there is one area in which I cannot stand these things- your development.
I fully realize that you must grow up. In fact, I hereby promise you that I will not be clingy or obnoxious or attach myself to your ankles and kick and scream and beg you not to leave me as you prepare to leave home and set out for adventures untold. You are your own people and have your own unique divine potential to fulfill. I cannot wait to see what you will do with your lives!
But please don't grow up! I love you so much. I love your runny noses and your little cries and voices. I love your cuddles and your giggles and your sparkling eyes. I love your sense of adventure and right and wrong and the way that you discover your world. You two girls are the most precious and miraculous thing I have ever or will ever be a part of, and I want to revel in your youth and innocence!! Yes, revel!!
Okay, I might kick and scream a bit when you leave me.
Anyway, the only solution to my sleepless anguish was to document more fully our precious time together right now. And so I have decided to write to you.
I first thought I would make each of you your own unique page. After all, you are both so wonderfully different and special (plus, I have siblings. Sharing sucks. There, I said it.), but I have decided to write you both here in this forum. You are sisters and you must share (however unpleasant it sometimes will be) and I hope that through all of life's ups and downs you will be the best of friends.
So here we go.
But first, a ground rule or two.
I Promise To:
  • Try not to be too sappy or wax too poetic in my musings to you (though I have already failed miserably in this, my first attempt. Sorry about that. Well, this rule starrrrrts... NOW!)
  • Not include anything too embarrassing or graphic so you won't be mortified when I pull out these letters and show them to your first college boyfriend. You know, more mortified than usual by me, that is.
  • Show you in every word how very special you are, how much I love you, and how limitless your potential is.
Thank you for being my girls, and for letting me be your mom. I love you both with all of my heart. Please enjoy these letters (and cut me some slack when you are teens!). And, most of all, know that you are not just my girls, but you are daughters of Heavenly Parents who love you more (if that is even possible. About which I am skeptical.) than your dad and I love you.

Embarrassingly Yours,